Fun and Useful Links for your child!
You can click on the title (In Green) and it will take you directly to the website. Enjoy!
Storyline Online - This site provides stories read aloud by different actors or special guests.
KOL Jr. Stories - This site has many different books that are read aloud to your child and games on your child's level
Starfall - This site gives your child the chance to improve on many of their kindergarten skills.
PBS Kids - On this site there are many characters/shows you can visit to play games. "SuperWhy" is one that I highly recommend for our kindergartners.
CoolMath Games - This site has many different games that your child can play to help review and learn math skills/strategies.
KOL Jr. Stories - This site has many different books that are read aloud to your child and games on your child's level
Starfall - This site gives your child the chance to improve on many of their kindergarten skills.
PBS Kids - On this site there are many characters/shows you can visit to play games. "SuperWhy" is one that I highly recommend for our kindergartners.
CoolMath Games - This site has many different games that your child can play to help review and learn math skills/strategies.